ALEX - Why is it in the days of Kirtland and Navoo, thoese in the temples had beards.. as well as the 1st Presidency, but not these days?

JOEL - Back at that time and up to and through the turn of the century (1900) it was the fashion of the day for most men to have beards. When the fashions of society change, so does the policy of the church so that members (especially Church leaders) are not looked at as being rebelious against society. Most men in today's society don't have beards, so neither do the Church leaders.
Anyone can have a beard and still attend the temple, as long as it is neatly trimed and clean.
David S. King, president of the Washington Temple, answering a question in the Feb. 1993 Ensign, said;

"Church leaders, recognizing that fashions go in cycles, are sensitive to the rich cultural diversity within the Church. For example, they have recently held that clean, neatly trimmed and managed beards and long hair for men—as well as certain other fashions that to some might seem “trendy”—are acceptable for the temple, provided they are not inherently offensive or vulgar."

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