GREG - i was reading my ensign at work the other day and someone asked "me what does ensign mean?"i've never thought about it really. it was just the title to the church magazine, i looked it up in the dictionary and it said it was a flag. then i read something like that on a church site. it said , in the old days , a flag or standard around which people gather together in a unity of purpose or ancient times an ensign served as a rallying point for soldiers in battle.the book of mormon and the church are symbolic ensigns to the nations.i told him i appreciated the lesson he gave to me. i also told him what i got out of all this is: the bible, book of mormon, d&c, and the pearl of great price are our scriptures. in the church they are known as THE STANDARD WORKS.i told him the ensign has talks from the standard works, that keeps us all in unity of the gospel and to give us our identities( children of God/ christian solders).is there a better reason for the name! ensign? i hope i didn't get too off coarse!

JOEL - Your reason sounds like a good one to me. The word "ensign" has a lot of meanings. The King James Bible translators used it to mean a signal, sign, identifying symbol, standard, or banner. We read the biblical prophecy that in the last days the Lord would "set up an ensign for the nations" (Isa. 11:12), a standard to which Israel and the righteous of all nations might gather in preparation for the Millennium (Isa. 5:26; 18:3; 31:6-9; 49:22; 62:10; Zech. 9:16).
In latter-day scriptures, "ensign" symbolizes such "standards" as the new and everlasting covenant (D&C 45:9), the gospel of salvation (D&C 49:8-9; 2 Ne. 29:2), the latter-day Zion (D&C 64:41-43), and The LDS Church(D&C 115:4-6).
So take your pick. The Ensign magazine helps in all these areas by strengthening the faith of members of the Church, advancing gospel truths, and keeping members abreast of Church policies, programs, and happenings.

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