JOY - I wanted your thoughts on this scripture. I put the word "because" in caps because it's footnotion is important to my question. Mosiah 15:3 "The Father, BECAUSE he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh; thus becoming both the father and the son." I can't quiet seem to gasp all that it is saying. Is it saying the Jesus is the Father because he was conceived by the power of God. I understand that Jesus is the father of heaven and earth and the son of God at the same time. In fact I think the scripture that is footnoted with the word "BECAUSE" (which is D&C 93:4) is a little more clear on how Jesus is the Father and the Son at the same time. I'm just trying to understand what Abinadi is saying here. What do you think?

JOEL - Basically you are right. Abinidi is saying that because Jesus Christ was conceived both in the spirit and in the flesh by the power of God, He can be called "Father" by what is sometimes called "Divine Investiture of Authority". This means that as the literal offspring of God the Father, Jesus has the right and duty to represent Elohim(His Father) in power and authority and stand in His place as God the Father when needed.
Bruce R. McConkie said:
"This is a matter of his Eternal Parent investing him with power from on high so that he becomes the Father because he exercises the power of that Eternal Being" (McConkie, Bruce R. "The Promised Messiah", p. 371. Salt Lake City, 1978).
This is one of the reasons why Jesus said that He and the Father are one(John 10:30, John 17:11,21, Mos. 15:4).

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