LDS Moms @ Home (ldsmoms) -- 37 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS moms home family faith
-- Description: For all the LDS moms on the web who stay at home or work at home. So that they will have a connection with others who share their faith and decision. For us to be able to support each other and to have an adult to talk to.

The LDS Teens WebRing
(ldsteens) -- 15 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS mormon mormons girl grrl chick chic boy boi jesus christ truth latter day saints teens cool fun teenagers lds mormons book of mormon
-- Description: This webring is for LDS teenagers. Only pro-mormom/lds sites will be added. Your site does not have to be about mormons/lds or mention you are mormon. Ages can range from 11-20. Please join! We need more people to join to make this a large webring! Most sites added to the queue will be added!

(lds1999) -- 12 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS jokes funnies recipes parenting education scripture study links to many pages
-- Description: This is a webring for ICQ users who are also LDS (Mormon) or have an interest in the LDS church. Anyone interested in joining this webring does not have to be LDS, but they do have to be on ICQ. No anti-Mormon's or religion bashing is allowed. Websites can be on any subject.

LDS Chats Web Ring
(lds_chats) -- 3 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS Mormon Chat Dagoth Temple Sunrise Amazon mutual improvement
-- Description: A collection of friendly places for members and friends of the LDS Church to stop, visit & discuss the day & the Gospel

RULDS2 - The LDS Connection (rulds2) -- 2 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS Mormon Teen Pictures Christian Great Church Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints Quotes Parents Children
-- Description: An uplifting ring of LDS sites; that include personal homepages, LDS databases, official LDS pages, and pages of interest to those who live by the Gospel. This ring contains sites that are for teens, sites for children, and even sites that will be of interest to parents. I am devoted to keeping it maintained, in order to keep the LDS connection alive on the World Wide Web.

The LDS Webring (mormon) -- 284 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: Mormon LDS Religion Church Christ Christian
-- Description: The LDS Webring is a pro-LDS ring.

True to the Faith (ldsyouth) -- 188 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints LDS LDS LDS LDS Mormon LDS LDS LDS LDS LDS
-- Description: A Web Ring for all members of The Church of Latter-day Saints (LDS Mormon), or any others that want to be "True to the Faith." If you have a strong desire to follow Christ join! Note: "True to the Faith" is now the second largest LDS web ring. There is a lot of information on the "mormons" or members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints here. There is a nice variety of great LDS sites here.

LDS Women (ldswomen) -- 71 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS Latter Day Saints Mormon
-- Description: This is a ring for LDS (more commonly know as mormon) women on the internet. These can either be a family (that includes mom!) or a homepage created for and by a LDS female.

LDS Friends Ring (ldsfriends) -- 54 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS Mormon
-- Description: A ring for personal homepages of LDS Church members who wouldn't mind hearing from other people.

LDS Moms Webring (lds_moms) -- 33 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: lds mormon moms mothers family children mothering parenting parents church
-- Description: The LDS Moms Webring is for websites created by mothers who are also members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). If you site upholds the standards of the church, and you have information on your site that shows you to be a LDS mom - then join us!

Army of Helaman
(ldsbom) -- 1 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS Book of Mormon Christ Latter-day Saints LDS mormons Joseph Smith LDS LDS LDS LDS LDS Mormon Mormon Christian Christians
-- Description: "We are as the Army of Helaman..." This webring is dedicated to the men, women and children of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons. Sites in this webring have LDS content and uphold the standards of the LDS Church. Sites with missionary content encouraged, but most LDS-friendly sites is allowed. Sites in this webring are encouraged to join the bom-readers mailing list. Help missionary work on the internet, and "bring the world His truth!"

The LDS Music Webring (ldsmusic) -- 29 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDSMusic midi wavs realaudio sheetmusic musicalpresentations
-- Description: This is a webring for all pages that offer LDS music for the visitors. It can be in midi format or it can be a site all about LDS music.

LDS Military Families
(ldsmilfam) -- 5 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS Military Families Mormon Latter Day Saints Children Gospel Jesus Christ
-- Description: This ring is for those sites that promote the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, family, raising our children in the fullness of the Gospel; and encourage those to seek the truth. It is also for those members of the church who are also on Active Duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, or have a loved one in the military, and are constantly trying to uphold the Gospel principles while fulfilling thier duties and regulations within the military regulations.

The LDS Temple Ring (ldstemple) -- 1 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: Temples LDS clean
-- Description: This ring contains pages that generally have to do with Latter Day Saint temples.

(ldssa) -- 22 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: ldssa lds mormons mormon ku universities institute
-- Description: The Webring of Latter-day Saint Student Associations around the world, angeled towards college aged students likely to be involved in the LDSSA.

LDS Missions Web Ring
(ldsmissions) -- 10 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: This is a Web Ring for Missions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
-- Description: LDS, LDS missions, lds mission lists, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Mormon, Joseph Smith, Missionary, Mission, Elder

LDS On Line (ldsonline) -- 5 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Mormon Christian Geneology Family History Gospel Scriptures Temples
-- Description: LDS On Line is a web ring for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Members of the web ring need not have church-related content on their pages, as long as all matereal on the page and the pages it links to contains material suited to LDS viewers of all ages. The ring offers a wide variety of subjects and a unique way to surf the net and stay in tune with the spirit.

RETURN WITH HONOUR (rwh) -- 29 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS RWH Mormon youth teens Heaven God Jesus
-- Description: An LDS webring for those whow want to Return With Honour to our Heavenly Father and help others grab hold of the Rod of Iron along the way.

Relief Society Sisters Ring
(rsring) -- 17 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS Relief Society Women Homemaking Spiritual
-- Description: Relief Society is an LDS women's organization for women ages 18 and up. This web ring is for the purpose of bringing the LDS Relief Society Sisters on the web together in a ring of sisterhood.

The CTR Ring (ctrpring) -- 9 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: LDS ctr primary children families leaders youth
-- Description: This ring is for LDS Primary children, their leaders and their families.

I Need a Tropical Vacation (islandwomen) -- 6 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: family LDS women kids relief society
-- Description: This ring is for LDS women and their websites. All the members of this webring belong to the email list Island Women. It is an invitation only email list. We have members that have pages dedicated to family, church, crafts, homemaking, and other such categories.

Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (ldstemplering) -- 21 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: B LDS Temples Church Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints Mormon Zion Joseph Smith Gospel Scriptures Christian B
-- Description: Descriptions, pictures, current news, historical facts, construction schedules, events, and other information on the sacred temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Eternal Round
(ldsctr) -- 14 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: MORMON LDS Church Mormon Latter Day Saint Religion Friends Webring
-- Description: This webring is for Members of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (Mormons). We do NOT welcome any anti Mormon material. This webring was created to make a wholesome web community. Sites should be G rated and do not have to contain any Church Material...but it is preffered. Thank you and I hope you will consider joining.

LDS Humor
(ldshumor) -- 2 sites -- List Home Random Search Ring
Keywords: clean jokes humor comedy funny laugh clean family friendly
-- Description: Squeaky clean humor, suitable for an LDS family-oriented and slightly more than average intellectual audience. Participants in this ring display the kind of humor you can tell to your mother or grandchildren.